Isn't She something? Such attitude!* My husband swears she looks like the late comedienne Imogene Coco - and one of his clients.
It's so much fun to experiment with the Paint application.
Creating art is like brainstorming: Playing with absurd ideas can lead to all kinds of possibilities. One line, step or thought explored may result literally in a myriad projects. ____________________ *To see a larger, true version of this painting, left-click on it.
About Magical MousePainting™: A Tool for Creativity
Offering easy, step by step instructions on how to paint with a computer mouse, tips, challenges, and vibrant illustrations, Magical MousePainting™ is an excellent tool for discovering and exploring:
·Your creativity: boost your creative thinking and doing · Fundamental art principles of design · Computer functions and applications
· Magical MousePainting™ provides a marvelous intergenerational activity for parents, children and grandparents and is suitable for novices to experts, from ages 5 to 95.
· The Paint application is already pre-installed on most computers.