I'm looking for something that is striking, clean, gives a hint as to what's between the book covers. It should inspire someone to pick it up and flip through the pages.
What do you think about these? (Double-click on any one to see it close up, or increase the size by clicking on the "plus" icon at the bottom right on your screen.)
I really liked these first three draft covers (all below were created by graphic artist Cindy Cake of Heidy Lawrance Associates):

This is #1.

This is #2.

This is #3.
Some people, however, suggested these first three covers don't really represent my artwork and what's inside the book. So, I gave Cindy a DVD with dozens of my mousepaintings.
She chose to incorporate two paintings into three new designs. Here they are....
This is #4.
This is #5.
This is #6.
What do you think? Which is/are your favourite(s)? What are your suggestions for ways to improve or change any of them?
Leave a comment on this site. Please use the cover number(s) you are referring to ...
Within a minute of sending my email plea to you, a friend phoned in her vote; all she said was, "Number 1, hands down." If only it was so easy to choose....Read on....
Your votes and suggestions are continuing to come in by email. You definitely have your opinions - which are amazing - and sometimes confusing.
For example, some people voted for more than one design as first choice!! Also, at one point, while responding to someone who'd urged me not to choose # 6, I received another email from another respondant who was absolutely adament that #6 is the very best choice.
Unless you indicate otherwise or send a comment via this site, I'm anonymously posting your comments and decisions below as they arrive. To find out what other people think, read the comments below. They're a fascinating study, don't you think?
I may be ever so slowly creeping towards a decision ....maybe...perhaps... I'm not sure...I think so...
So far, out of replies posted below, the score is...
Design .................# Points
#1............18 (1-2nd choice, 1-4th choice)
#2.............0 (1-5th choice)
#3.............3 (1-6th choice)
#4............18 (3-2nd choice)
#5............13 (1-2nd choice)
#6.............7 (1-2nd choice, 1-3rd choice)