I love painting rocks. These have imaginary flowers blooming in their midst. The frames on these watermedia pictures are created with the Paint program.
Artist Kathleen Gabriel bought the original of my watermedia painting as a wedding gift for herself and her husband. A copy of the painting is available as a greeting card.
I love this guy, especially his red hat. He's one of a group of Francophones (and my husband) who flew 20 years ago to a fishing camp to spend a week in Northern Quebec.
The original painting and its greeting card are available for sale.
Be creative: comment on, describe or write a short story about the painting.
I painted this for my 'Line and Form' university course in mid-eighties. It was chosen for the end-of-year show at the university art gallery. Years later, with the title "Crazy Lady," it graced the front cover of a hand-out for a speaker's presentation to a mental health conference.
This pencil drawing was created in the mid '80s while I was attending university at the same time as raising my 4 young kids.
Look closely: You'll see a female robot carrying a bag of tools and dragging behind her a vacuum cleaner; she is surrounded by chaos. I guess it's how I felt at the time.
Peter Kolisnyk's 'Line and Form' year-long course was by far the most demanding course of any I'd ever taken. We were expected to complete a portfolio each semester; my dining room table, transformed into an art studio, was inoperable for eating or guests the entire school year. I wish I could show you the "Lust/Love" ink and potato print that was the talk of the year-end show, but this is a family site.
About Magical MousePainting™: A Tool for Creativity
Offering easy, step by step instructions on how to paint with a computer mouse, tips, challenges, and vibrant illustrations, Magical MousePainting™ is an excellent tool for discovering and exploring:
·Your creativity: boost your creative thinking and doing · Fundamental art principles of design · Computer functions and applications
· Magical MousePainting™ provides a marvelous intergenerational activity for parents, children and grandparents and is suitable for novices to experts, from ages 5 to 95.
· The Paint application is already pre-installed on most computers.