
Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Table of Contents

This site is an extension of Magical MousePaintingbook and workshops.

From time to time, my new MousePaintings™ are added here as well as those of my workshop participants and readers. News, new challenges and discussions are also posted.

Enjoy visiting: explore, participate - and comment.

To share your own Paint application creations online, contact me . Please include your full name and email address so I can reach you.

Click on any of the titles below:

Challenges beyond the book are offered on the following postings:

Black and white only, please

Artwork by readers & workshop participants:
"Celeste Loves David"; "Wildflower" by Hainny; Selena #1, #2; "Gravenhurst Abstract" by Sondra; Sandy Tobias Offenheim: "Another Fish", "Words", "Primary Colours", "Untitled"

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Creative Activity

Book a Magical MousePaintingwebinar or workshop for your group (Click here for more information)

Magical MousePaintingBooks and Workshops/Webinars are perfect for:
  • Art, creativity and computer courses
  • Students of all ages
  • Public and private schools: junior to high school, colleges and universities
  • Programs for seniors and shut-ins
For more information about these and other possibilities, please click here to contact me.

- Nellie

Monday, August 20, 2007

Vote for Your Favourite Cover

Thank you, thank you for helping choose a cover for Magical MousePainting™ - A Tool for Creativity!!! There are 6 designs posted below. I'm too close to this project and like them all for one reason or another: I'm confused and can't decide.

I'm looking for something that is striking, clean, gives a hint as to what's between the book covers. It should inspire someone to pick it up and flip through the pages.

What do you think about these? (Double-click on any one to see it close up, or increase the size by clicking on the "plus" icon at the bottom right on your screen.)

I really liked these first three draft covers (all below were created by graphic artist Cindy Cake of Heidy Lawrance Associates):

This is #1.

This is #2.

This is #3.

Some people, however, suggested these first three covers don't really represent my artwork and what's inside the book. So, I gave Cindy a DVD with dozens of my mousepaintings.

She chose to incorporate two paintings into three new designs. Here they are....

This is #4.

This is #5.

This is #6.

What do you think? Which is/are your favourite(s)? What are your suggestions for ways to improve or change any of them?

Leave a comment on this site. Please use the cover number(s) you are referring to ...



Within a minute of sending my email plea to you, a friend phoned in her vote; all she said was, "Number 1, hands down." If only it was so easy to choose....Read on....

Your votes and suggestions are continuing to come in by email. You definitely have your opinions - which are amazing - and sometimes confusing.

For example, some people voted for more than one design as first choice!! Also, at one point, while responding to someone who'd urged me not to choose # 6, I received another email from another respondant who was absolutely adament that #6 is the very best choice.

Unless you indicate otherwise or send a comment via this site, I'm anonymously posting your comments and decisions below as they arrive. To find out what other people think, read the comments below. They're a fascinating study, don't you think?

I may be ever so slowly creeping towards a decision ....maybe...perhaps... I'm not sure...I think so...

So far, out of replies posted below, the score is...

Design .................# Points
#1............18 (1-2nd choice, 1-4th choice)
#2.............0 (1-5th choice)
#3.............3 (1-6th choice)
#4............18 (3-2nd choice)
#5............13 (1-2nd choice)
#6.............7 (1-2nd choice, 1-3rd choice)


Challenge: Experiment with colour.

I love the colour in this painting I created. It's all about having fun. You can do it, too...

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Friday, July 27, 2007


Challenge: Choose an interesting object to draw as a still life.
simple shape can be so intriguing.

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Wild Flower by Hainny

I showed his wife how to 'paint'. She showed him. Here's what he says ...

Hi Nellie:
Now you have me doing it.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Celeste Loves David

I'm fascinated at how each person's results are unique and beautiful.

For example, Celeste -recently retired, by the way - created her first piece "Celeste Loves David" within the first 30 minutes of instruction.
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Saturday, February 17, 2007

Star Series #1 *

Challenge: Create a series that focuses on a specific:

1. Topic
2. Style
3. Tool
4. Color combination or
5. Design element

Many artists stretch how far they can go in one direction with their art. To achieve this goal, they often develop a series with a common element.

* The above illustration is one in a group of 'Star' paintings I created with the Paint application.
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Star Series #2 *

Challenge: Put a limitation on your next illustration. For example, limit the colors or tools you use. Or change the size of your canvas (long, thin, wide, short).

* This is another in my 'Star' series. Posted by Picasa

Friday, February 16, 2007

Stars Series #3

1. Use the Freeform Select tool to create shapes; move them around.
3. Draw outlines around some of your shapes.
4. Insert your signature sideways.
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Star Series #4

Challenge: Go wild with color. Posted by Picasa

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Black and White

Using just black and white can be really effective.*

1.Create a black and white drawing.

2. For fun, insert one other color.
* To see these as the original drawings, place the cursor on the painting and then left-click your mouse .
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Monday, February 05, 2007

Buoyant on a Sea of Rejections

1. Using your own life and work experiences, think of 5 great titles for possible books you might want to write. Brainstorm with friends or family. Choose one title. Create a front cover illustration for it.

2. Cut and paste the cover drawing into a Word or PowerPoint document and develop a story related to it. Create more illustrations to insert into the story.

The above illustration is the cover I designed for one of my books-in-progress. Click here to read my article about this topic posted on my 'Igniting Imagination' blog.

More book covers I designed for my books-in-progress:

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Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Black, Green, Blue & Pink

Challenge: Incorporate letters or words into your illustration. Experiment with fonts and size.

While learning Magical MousePainting TM skills , creating can become an obsession. What's interesting is that as you develop your creativity, it begins transferring to other aspects of your life.
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Monday, January 15, 2007


Challenge: Draw a familiar object. Make it into an abstract by ...

1. Extending lines
2. Fracturing the background, and/or
3. Dropping color into sections

I love to play with color, shape and form.
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Monday, January 08, 2007


Challenge: Draw what you are feeling.

Huh? There are days when I feel exactly like this. Posted by Picasa